Saturday, March 22, 2014


It's been roughly three weeks since not only did I lose a dog but my buddy as well.  After one hard shock a few weeks ago on a deer mine hasn't touched them since.  Seen one last night on the way off of Iron Horse and set them out on it.  Wouldn't leave my side.  Things are getting better, but till I can pressure check mine I won't know for sure how broke they really are.  

Good news is a pup I'm buying was born yesterday.  While Thor is going to be to big for trials I'm hoping this female I plan on buying won't be, and she throws under 15 inch dogs.  I put a lot of stock in pups, but I can guide them more as well.  They have to learn how to hunt hard where I live.  Not as many rabbits, hill sides, and plenty of the thick stuff.  Gotta hunt hard and have grit or they don't make it here.

Peace and God Bless,

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